There's Nothing Betta Than Spending Time with a Cappetta!

Monday, April 14, 2008

Last night we got together for dinner and "playdate" with our pals, The Cappettas, Jordan and Eric and their daughter Ellie, who is two weeks older than Abby. Eric and Jordan teach at Pearce, where I taught, and while we knew each other over the past few years, we didn't really become friends until it was discovered that we were pregnant at the same time. How great it was to have someone know exactly what I was going through at exactly the same time! And out of Abby's and Ellie's births came the birth of our friendship with Jordan and Eric. Ellie is absolutely precious, and we always have way too much fun when we get together with them. Here are some pictures from last night.

I was so glad I captured this. Here are the Two Peas In A Pod.

Notice Abby has the phone in her hand, and Ellie's got the ball. Also notice how Abby's eyeing that ball, and Ellie is eyeing Abby. I'm pretty sure they switched toys after this picture was taken. It's funny how babies don't want a certain toy until another baby is playing with it!
I love how they're sitting. So cute!

We took a stroll to a park in their neighborhood. Here's Jordan and Ellie sliding down the slide. Ellie loved it!
How predictable: Yet ANOTHER picture of Abby swinging. :) Ellie wasn't too fond of the swing, so that's why I don't have a picture of her swinging!
What's a trip to the park without a beautiful, well-trained Lab and some nice cold beer? That's how Matt and Eric roll!

Abby with her daddy. I need to start having Matt take my picture sometimes, huh?
Here's "The Look." I am scared to see how this develops over the next 18 years!
There's nothing like friends.
It was a beautiful, great Sunday! I hope you all had a wonderful weekend as well.


The Johnstons said...

sweet the last one. tag, you're it...check my blog. :)