My Little Refriger-RAIDER

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

After we got back from Kroger, Abby decided to "help"me by attempting to unload what I just placed in the fridge. Luckily, her raid didn't go as planned. The chicken was just out of reach.

Here she is caught in the act.
It seemed that around month 8, I was getting so anxious to have Abby crawl. Friends warned us "Once they start, they don't stop." How true that statement is! I swear, I turn around for one second, and it seems Abby's in another room. Twice today she endeavored to put dog food in her mouth, nearly dropped Matt's "Perfect Pushup" contraption on her foot, pulled CDs off the shelf, almost pulled down the gate on the stairs, played with a battery charger, putting the wire in her mouth, chewed part of the box of Renu eyedrops while we shopped at Kroger, played with the blinds in the front window (which made me realize they need to be cleansed of dust once I viewed her hands afterward! Oops!), you get the idea.

She is an active little girl! But I wouldn't have it any other way. Seriously. I need to be kept on my toes. I don't know how she has all the energy she does. If I had half the energy she has, my bathrooms might actually be scrubbed clean right now. Ha. Luckily, because she plays hard, she naps hard, which is why I'm able to do this.

I truly love my little Sweet Pea!


H said...
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H said...

Oops, I hit the wrong button.

Original Comment:
How cute! I am NOT looking forward to that, but I know that it is coming. It is simply amazing how much kids can get into in such a short time period. Love ya! Cousin Holly