I'm Pregnant!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Okay, so I'm not pregnant right now (April Fools!), but I was a year ago. And that's when this picture was taken, exactly one year ago today, at 30 1/2 weeks. I never would have imagined just how enriched my life would be just 7 1/2 weeks later, with the birth of Abby. One year ago I was feeling anxious, exhausted, swollen, refluxed (if that's even a word!), heavy, stressed, well, you get the idea! Now I just feel blessed, overjoyed, loved,... again, you get the idea!

Here's how life has changed since the above picture was taken:

1. THEN, we used to go out to dinner about 3 times a week. NOW, we go out to dinner about 3 times a month (if that!)

2. THEN, I couldn't sleep, thanks to a baby pressing down on my bladder. NOW, I can't sleep, thanks to a thing known as the "Mom-Ear." It picks up on every little sound made! :)

3. THEN, I spent my days teaching the likes of The Great Gatsby, Edgar Allan Poe, Steinbeck... Now, I spend my days reading Horton Hatches The Egg, Go Dog, Go, and Goodnight Moon!

4. THEN, I lived for 9:00 when I could start thinking about going to bed! NOW, I live for 9:00 so my night can actually begin and I can have some quiet time without the little squirt crawling around everywhere!

5. THEN, I felt my waistline expanding, thanks to our growing little bundle of joy. NOW, I feel my waistline expanding thanks to too much Easter candy and Cheetos and Dr Pepper!

6. THEN, a perfect Sunday afternoon would consist of a nap on the couch. NOW, a perfect Sunday afternoon would consist of a visit to the park. (And perhaps a nap as well!)

7. THEN, when our parents would come to visit, we were first to get hugs. NOW, when our parents visit, they blow right past us, and Abby gets the hugs and kisses! :)

8. THEN, I wouldn't have thought twice about dog food lying on the floor. NOW, I can't pick it up fast enough, considering Abby's already attempted to eat it on two separate occasions!

9. THEN, I would have blown past any channel with a cartoon showing. NOW, I have been known to turn on the likes of Dora The Explorer and Go Diego, Go. Truth is, they're not half bad!

10. THEN, I was so ready to meet little Abby, to see what she looked like, to discover her little personality. NOW, I couldn't be happier. It's amazing how much your life changes once a baby enters it!


The Johnstons said...

You scared me there for a minute! I mean I would have been really happy for you, but I also would have thought you were out of your mind!!