Halloween Happenings-Part One

Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween! We had a very fun, busy day today. You know, it's amazing how much more exciting Halloween is once you have a child! This morning Abby and I went up to Mother's Day Out so she could take her school picture. She missed MDO on Wednesday because of pink eye. The good news is she is FINALLY healthy. No runny noses. No more ear infection. No coughs. H-e-a-l-t-h-y! Praise the Lord! Seriously. Those trips to the doctor's office really add up! I think Matt and I should keep a tab going for her. At this point, she owes us--give or take a couple bucks--about $4,000 or so. :)

After her school picture (which I am super excited about getting in the future), we went to the Halloween party for our Mom To Mom group at church. All of the kids were decked out in costumes. Too fun! Here are some pics from the party:

Abby as Dorothy

Baby O as an adorable Little Monkey!

It's a bird! It's a plane! No, it's SuperParker!

Pretty Jordyn as Ariel

Cutter as the Silly Spider

Noble as the Cutest Little Rodeo Clown ever!!
Check out the back of the outfit! How stinkin' cute is that??

Abby's first kiss! :)

It must be serious: she's wearing his hat! :)

Group shot. Poor Noble was a wee bit upset!
After partying and napping, it was time to gear up for BFF Ellie's arrival so they could hand out candy to the trick-or-treating kids and go trick-or-treating themselves! The pictures are HILARIOUS! In the meantime, I'll leave you with two other shots from today of Miss Pigtails.


Kristie said...

Thank you so much for the pictures of Cutter! They turned out really well, my only wish is that he would have been in a better mood. He seems to ham it up at night. It was great to meet you! Hope to see ya again sometime soon! Thanks again ~Kristie Nix

The Tenner Family said...
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