We're Off To See The Wizard...

Saturday, November 1, 2008

BFF Ellie and her parents joined us last night for some good ol' fashioned trick-or-treating. Here is Abby and Ellie looking out the windows for the trick-or-treaters. They really enjoyed when the kids came to the door in their costumes. We had oodles of trick-or-treaters too! What fun!
After passing out some candy, it was time to get dressed up. Here is Ellie as The Lion. While we all thought she was unbelievably adorable, Ellie had other thoughts. She DETESTED that mane and let us all know that she wanted the darn thing off! Luckily, we were able to snap a couple of shots with her wearing it.

Here are Matt and Jordan with Dorothy and The Lion at a neighbor's home. All we needed were a scarecrow, tin man, and Toto! :) We only hit up two houses before we decided that the girls weren't going to eat any candy and they weren't really sure what was going on!

Within minutes, BFF Ellie had had ENOUGH of that darn costume. So, she decided it would be much more comfortable to go as herself!! Half-naked baby coming through!!

Abby being chased by her BFF. Note the new purpose of the wagon: to hold the lion costume!


Abby was the caboose. I'm sure she's thinking, "There's no place like home...there's no place like home!"
Back in the wagon, laughing at something.

Finally, we were back home! Nobody told me that trick-or-treating was such hard work!! Here are the happy Twinkies.
This is usually what's going on when we're tying to take their picture!!

Eric, Jordan, Matt and I decided that trick-or-treating should be easier next year, when they're 2 1/2!!! Or is that wishful thinking?!
I hope y'all had a very Happy Halloween!! Happy November, everyone! :)