
Thursday, October 9, 2008

Earlier this morning, I found myself saying to Abby, "Gosh, I wish you could talk!" I mean, yes, she does "talk" and we do communicate, but I'm ready to have a real back-and-forth, reciprocating conversation with her!! What led me to this was the fact that I can't find her hair rubberbands, and I'm 99% convinced that she put them somewhere. Exhibit A: Two weeks ago, I found the remote in my jeans drawer. Enough said. So, I've searched high and low, and they're nowhere to be found. I have a feeling that if I asked her (and she could understand what I'm saying), she would point me in the right direction. Maybe I'll find them in a few months. Maybe in the freezer. In the meantime, I think I may need to make a trip to Target and buy some more! :)

Random things:

1. Abby recently disovered the moon. Oh, and she is fascinated when planes fly overhead.

2. She is also obsessed with dogs of any kind. Poor Millie and Winnie are daily attacked with wrapping paper rolls and balls. :(

3. Why is it that I give in to the "puppy dog" eyes and hand over a Cheetoh at lunch, when I know I shouldn't?! I need to work on that. I'd hate for her to be 15 and be covered in tattoos, driving a brand new car.

4. I may have created a monster. When I took out the camera yesterday, Abby immediately said, "Cheese!" Perhaps I take too many pictures. Yes, I know I have taken thousands. Also, every day when I ask if she wants to eat, she immediately replies, "Cheese!!" The girl could live on cheese and strawberries. Seriously. Besides "Dada", Cheese was her first real word.

5. I have created a journal. I call it my "Dear Abby" journal. Every night when I get in bed, I write in it. I start off each entry with "Dear Abby, I love you because..." and I write one thing that she did that day that made me love her more than the day before. The reason I do this is two-fold: a.)It makes me remember the good times we had that day, therefore I go to bed happy and reminiscent. b.)It is a tangible gift I can leave for Abby. I think there is nothing more special to leave as a legacy than your own written (not typed) words. My Mamaw kept a journal every day for YEARS. She wrote down what she cooked, who came to visit, what she and Papaw did that day. It is amazing! I receive so much joy when I pull out her 1980 journal and read her words. It's as though I can hear her speaking them.

6. Dinnertime and lunchtime are two of my favorite times (I'm not really a morning person, so Breakfast is out.) Every night, the three of us sit down at the table and eat together. We rarely did that before Abby was born. Dinner used to be on a plate in our laps in front of the television! I truly enjoy our family time together. And the evening weather has been PERFECT for walks around the neighborhood, to the park, or tossing a football in the front yard.

7. Jason and Emily find out on Tuesday what they are having, so we will know if Abby will have a girl or a boy cousin. My feeling is a boy. But I am almost always wrong! We'll see!

8. It's no fun rooting for the Aggies. Oh well.

That's it. Enough rambling. (I am avoiding dusting!) I'll leave you with a picture of Abby's new bang trim.


Unknown said...

What a great journaling idea...Abby will treasure that forever. I hope that Faith and Jaxon treasure the ones we have going for them. Promise me something...when you have #2...don't slack off on the's much more difficult when #2 comes along! Whew, glad I got that off my shoulders!

H said...

Love the new bangs!

Jeremy and Lisa Roberts said...

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