
Tuesday, September 2, 2008

1. Abby starts Mother's Day Out tomorrow, and I'm afraid I'm not going to know what to do with myself from 9 until 2!! Can you believe that that will be the LONGEST I have EVER been in our house ALONE in 15 and a half months?? Seriously. Matt offers to take Abby to go places, but the truth is, I enjoy our little trio outings. I'm thinking I need to finish Abby's baby book, scrub the bathroom, do some laundry....or perhaps take a VERY long nap, read, or run an errand without having to unload and load a toddler from the car! Wow! How is my little girl old enough for MDO?? Gosh, time flies.
2. Abby's first pair of tennis shoes. What cool kicks!

3. We went to the park this morning, and Abby spotted a tree and said "tee!" Without any prompting. I was so proud. It is unbelievably amazing how quickly she is picking up on words, following commands, and turning into a little girl!! Next thing I know, she's going to be asking me for money and wanting to wear hip-hugging jeans. Yikes!

4. Abby is now the very proud owner of her first apron. Thank you $1 Target bins!!

5. Abby and BFF Ellie played so well together last night. I believe it was the first time that Abby licked BFF Ellie's head, though. :)

6. Matt snapped this family portait at lunch on Sunday. This was our first family photo at the kitchen table. Can I just take a moment to mention how GREAT of a father Matt is?? He is head over heels in love with his little girl. They have the best time together, and I am so grateful for him!!

7. OK, so it is her SECOND boo-boo to her lip, but it was Abby's first time to split her lip on her little booster chair. That thing took over a week to heal completely!!

8. Lastly, Abby got her first haircut at a kids' salon. Her bangs desperately needing cutting, and, frankly, I butchered them the first time I tried, so I decided a professional haircut would be best. I think I paid more for her haircut than Matt pays for his!! And, truth be told, I think I could have done as decent a job as the lady did, but Oh Well.
Pray that I don't fret too much over Abby at MDO tomorrow. Don't get me wrong, I think it's the absolute best thing for me to do. I'm a huge believer in social interaction among children, and I think this will be beneficial for both of us. It's just that, well, she's my little Roo, my bestest bud, and the house is sure going to be quiet without her around tomorrow.


The Johnstons said...

don't worry, you'll find plenty to do tomorrow while abby's at mdo...and it will be wonderful! i know it's going to be hard at first, and she (and you) may even cry for a minute, but as soon as you're out of sight she'll be fine. :) enjoy your day!!

Unknown said...

LOVE Abby's haircut! So cute! You will really enjoy the time to yourself while Abby is away, and, it's good for her, too! All will be well...

H said...

Don't worry, the time will fly by and then it will be time to pick her up again (probably before you can even complete the baby book!).
Love ya,

Julie said...

It IS going to be quiet, and you'll be worried and probably want to go pick her up early, but I promise you that it won't be long and you will be savoring those 5 hours you have to yourself. In fact, you'll probably get so busy you don't even stop to eat lunch on those days! At least that's how it is/was for me! Good luck!