Nothing Much

Sunday, September 14, 2008

I'll take the opportunity to update while Matt's mowing the yard and Abby's napping. She has some fever this morning. I swear I've thought she was about to get some molars for months now, but, alas, none have appeared. Let's hope this fever goes away soon!

So, this is what's been going on around here the past few days:

Abby showed support for Tech last night by wearing her almost-too-small Tech cheerleading outfit. As much as I hate to see her in it, I still think she looks super cute!

Abby's second week of Mother's Day Out didn't go exactly as I had hoped. Remember when I told you that on the first week, I dropped her off and cried, and she was A-OK? Well, last week the roles seemed to have reversed! She began crying as soon as she went in the room, arms stretched out to me, and I was surprisingly A-OK. Go figure! I was looking forward to a few hours to get some things done. Luckily when I picked her up, they said she had been great! And on her progress report, two new adjectives had been checked: Excited and Chatty. Go figure on that last one! :) Here she is with her super cute new lunch bag. Oh, and by the way, I felt SO much better about her new nap mat this past week! In fact, she slept for an hour and a half after lunch!! (I give credit to the overpriced nap mat!)

My oldest BFF Kathy came through Dallas on Friday, and we all got to meet up for lunch. Kathy hadn't seen Abby since November, and Cary hadn't seen Abby since she was one month old! Luckily they get my daily picture updates, so they haven't missed a step of Abby's growth!! :)
Cary's smiling so big it looks like he swallowed a coat hanger!
Allen didn't get too much bad weather from Ike. It was a tad windy and it did rain (luckily the satellite didn't go out so we could watch the Tech game!), but poor Longview got hammered with winds. My parents' power went out yesterday (Saturday) at noon, and it still hadn't returned today. My mom said my grandmother was entertaining herself by making hand puppet shadows with the flashlight! Ha! Anyway, here's a picture of a tree that fell from my parents' neighbors' backyard. Luckily it only damaged their next door neighbors' fence. My parents' house is the one on the left. Apparently trees and power lines are down all around the area. Please make sure you pray for all of those affected by Ike. What a terrible mess.
And lastly, here are just some pictures from the past few days:

Hugs for Dada
Bathtime is the BEST time!
Too funny

Happy week, everyone!


Anonymous said...

oldest...OLDEST?? How about longtime, long-lasting, or long distance? But oldest?? Have you forgotten my phobia of turning 30? :(
It was so great to see you guys last week. I wish it was a weekly happening. Maybe someday.
Love ya!

The Tenner Family said...

Sorry, Kathy. But you really ARE my oldest MONTHS. JK!!! :)

Jeremy and Lisa Roberts said...

*Sigh* It pains me to see your child (as beautiful as she is) in that Tech cheerleading uniform. Too bad the Aggies can't really give any of us much to root about this year!

Hope y'all are doing well! Have a great week!