Recent Observations

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Here are some observations about Miss Abby from the past couple of weeks:

1. She is quite INdependent! She knows what she wants, and beware of anyone getting in her way. "No" doesn't quite cut it, as her favorite things to do are open up the cabinets of the entertainment center, pull on the blinds at the back door, hit the dogs with her get the idea!

2. She must pull herself up on ANYTHING! This includes windowsills, chairs, the paper shredder in the office, her exersaucer, my leg, and especially wobbly tables! Ha!

3. I'm thinking she may become a musician. Or perhaps a professional page turner. The girl absolutely lights up when she bangs objects together, creating noise. Give her a rattle and a spoon, and the girl is in HOG HEAVEN! Her other favorite thing to do is lay on her back, prop a book (or magazine) up with her feet and turn pages. She could turn pages all day long, I think. I'm pretty sure that job wouldn't pay too well, though.

4. No matter if I buy a nice, shiny new toy, she's still going to be interested in the most mundane object. Case in point: Yesterday we went to Target and I bought her a Lullaby Glo-Worm that lights up and plays sweet lullabies. After we got home, she played with it for a minute, then she spotted a water bottle, and it was Bye-Bye New Toy. She played with the water bottle for the next 15 minutes! Ha!

5. Teething still stinks. Now she has the top two teeth coming in, and she woke up crying twice last night. It makes for quite a long night! And looking at the size of the chompers coming in, she should be eating Jolly Ranchers in no time!

6. She's starting to become a little copy cat. She can clap when we clap and she knows who "Millie", "Winnie," "dog", and "Dada" are. She's still not sold on this "Mama" thing. I mean, it's not like I'm all that important, right...I just carried her in my womb for nine months. :) Oh well. At least she knows who the dogs are!

Here are some recent pics.


The Venables said...

She is such a DOLL!! I can't believe we haven't gotten to meet her.....I can tell she and Mabry would be fast friends if they didn't kill eachother first.:) I LOVE the pic of her reading the magazine...that is too funny!

The Johnstons said...

Hilarious...I can totally relate with almost all of those!