Abby in Action

Friday, March 7, 2008

Here are some of Abby's recent activities:

As my last post stated: chewing on anything. Even her little car. Popped in a wheelie. Go figure.
Feeding herself crackers. Although half of them usually end up on the floor!

Playing with the dogs. I love this picture. It looks like Winnie is smiling back at Abby.

This is her paparazzi shot. As a mom, I feel like a paparazzo sometimes. Camera in hand, I'm waiting, waiting, waiting for just the right shot and then SNAP! Nope. She has her eyes closed. Or SNAP! Nope. She turns away. Ah, the life of a mom. Thank goodness we don't use film in our cameras anymore. We'd be broke by now! However, it would be worth it, because when you get that perfect picture, you feel like a champion! If only I could get paid tens of thousands of dollars like Hollywood paparazzi do! :)
Posing again. We're not sure what triggers it though. Oh wait, maybe American Idol was on and she couldn't stand the bad singing anymore...not sure.
Standing. She pulled herself up into this position while I was taking this picture. I quickly put my camera down to "hover." :)
Just being a sweet baby.

Here's to a fabulous weekend!


The Johnstons said...

GREAT pictures! I know what you mean about being the paparazzi and using film in cameras...can you imagine if we still had to do that?!?! Parker has that same car and does the same thing...but he would rather spin the wheels! Hope your family has a wonderful weekend!