A Few Recent Observations...

Thursday, March 6, 2008

1. Babies change so rapidly! It seems like just yesterday that Abby was just this little baby who relied on us for everything, but how quickly that changes. When she was an infant, it felt like forever until she was going to be able to hold her head up, roll over, sit up, you name it. But one day, she meets one of those milestones, and there is no turning back! I used to get so caught up in what Abby was going to do next that I forgot to really enjoy the "now." No longer will she stay where I put her (unlike the picture below, taken a few months ago.) No longer does she gladly accept what I offer her. She likes to choose which books to read, what toys to play with, thank-you-very-much! (see picture below) And no longer is she this little baby. She definitely has a mind of her own, and it's so exciting to see her curious, fun, happy personality come through!

2. Babies want to touch/put their mouths on things that I never would even think of. I have seen Abby lick the floor, the couch, her shoes (she LOVES to put her nice shiny church shoes in her mouth!), the coffee table, my face, the stairs, you name it. Thank goodness for Clorox Anywhere Hard Surface spray!

Abby back in January

3. It's no fun when babies are teething. They really do need some TLC.

4. Babies love animals. Abby is absolutely fascinated by our miniature dachshunds, Millie and Winnie. The two of them have become quite the distraction. If she is taking a bottle, and one of them enters the room, forget eating! She immediately wiggles herself into an upright position and watches them, eyes glued to their next move. I'm pretty sure Abby's less intake of formula is directly and solely related to our two dogs!

4. 9 1/2 months olds are wiggle worms! I kid you not, it took Matt and me close to five minutes to get Abby's pajama pants on her last night. That's with two of us trying! I thought I had found success at around minute two, but I managed to put one leg in the wrong pant leg. Matt then responded, "Come on, Aggie!" But, I will gladly say that he had no easier time than I did. :) We both just found humor in the situation. It is so easy to get frustrated about little things like that, but at that moment, we just looked at it in a different way. I think we both came to love Abby a little bit more because of her stubborness. I mean, who REALLY wants a baby who will stay still for that long?? Half the fun is the challenge, right?

Finally got the PJs on!

5. You can't take your eyes off of a baby for too long. If you do, when you turn around, you might see this...

...or this...

6. This blogging thing is way more fun than mopping or dusting! :)

Here's hoping you all have a great day! We're planning on staying in and staying warm! It already sleeted here this morning. They're saying we're supposed to get anywhere from 1 to 6 inches of snow. Who knows if that's true, but one thing is for sure: it is certainly typical Texas weather! I wore a t-shirt and shorts yesterday afternoon! Go figure! :)


The Venables said...

I LOVE your blog! That little girl is SO stinkin' cute. Your stories remind me of our "strong-willed" little angel.....they are girls for sure! They sure keep us on our toes. So exciting to hear y'all are getting snow. Hope you all stay warm and have a great weekend!