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Thursday, February 26, 2009

I have a new favorite person in my life: my little nephew Clark. The instant I saw him in his mommy's arms last night, I loved him. It was as simple as that. I saw that little bundle of joy, that miracle created by God, and I was overcome with emotion. It's amazing how a teeny-tiny 7 pound, 6 ounce baby can make you cry like, well, a 7 pound, 6 ounce baby. :) Actually, Clark doesn't really cry. He's one of those babies. You know the kind: totally chilled, relaxed, patient. Just like his parents. And just the opposite of us. :) Flashes of the future rushed through my head as I looked at my nephew for the first time: soccer games, he and Abby running around in the backyard playing, birthdays, Math-Science meets (he is Jason's son, after all :) ), family trips to Longview, picnics, Clark and Abby stealing the keys to the car and going joyriding... oh the trouble the two of them will get into! I am overwhelmed with happiness when I think of what the next several years will bring to our families.

Aside from little Clark, my 2nd favorite person at the moment is Emily. If an award were given for Most Outstanding, Put-Together, Fearless Mama-To-Be, it would be Emily. Hands down. She was in the hospital 25 hours before he was born. Yes, people. That is not a typo. I don't know how she did it. She's just awesome. And I couldn't be happier for her and her newest member of the family. My "Sister Tenner" as I call her is now "Mother Tenner." To be able to experience the last nine months with Jason and Emily, and then to be there at the hospital when he was born was indescribable.

Truth is, I feel like I could write so much more--a novel's worth, but I'll spare you. :) So, I'll get to what you came to this blog to see anyway: pictures! Congratulations, Jason and Emily, on the most perfect little boy. I could not be any happier!

Here are some more pics from our visit today:

Absolutely precious Clark with his Nana EvelynThat is one happy Nana! Me with Little Clark! Me with "Just Call Me SuperMom" Emily :) This is one of my favorite pictures from last night, when Jason rushed into the waiting room, right before Emily was wheeled into surgery. Here is Jason pretending to be a surgeon--Dr. Jason!! (By the way, THANK YOU Jason for making us laugh all day yesterday. Clark is lucky to have such a humorous, compassionate, truly loving man as his father.) It's evident on Jason's face how head-over-heels in love he already is with his son. I saw it the minute Matt and I went into the recovery room. :)

Meeting him for the first time. I couldn't stop crying!
I would be remiss if I didn't include any pictures of my favorite little girl in the whole wide world, Miss Abby. This morning, she made the trek to the hospital to see Clark, but she didn't get too close. We didn't think it wise to have "I've-just-gotten-over-the-flu Roo" to kiss all over him. Just our luck, she would sneeze on him. Not pretty. So, she kept her distance. They will get a proper introduction in the next few days though.

Holding Nana and Papa's hands before heading to the hospital this morning
Abby with her favorite Papa!
This is, undoubtedly, my favorite picture of the two of them yet. Can you tell they love each other??

Jason took the most phenomenal photos yesterday, and I can't wait for y'all to see them. Mine totally pale in comparison to his.
By the way, do you ever feel blessed beyond belief?


Corpus Christi said...

When I started reading the beautiful way you described yesterday, the joy, the humor and the love, I cried too...tears of joy!
I wish it had been a novel!

Team Green said...

Blessed beyond a pot of something boiling, just about to pour over the sides and push the top off? An amazing feeling. Thank you again SO much for sharing. Made me tear up. I'll await the novel to let it all pour out. What a joyous couple of days. You are so blessed with your families. Love you.