You suck, Flu.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Abby's got the flu. A cough started Sunday night, and in the middle of the night Monday night, she was burning up. I took her temp. 103. Not good. So, some Tylenol and lots and lots of rocking later, she was back to sleep. Yesterday, I couldn't keep her fever down. And after she woke up from her 3-hour nap, she was hotter than ever. So, I took her temp again. 105. No joke. I immediately called the nurses, and they told me to get in my car and drive. Could I make it to the Frisco office by 5 pm? I looked at my clock. 4:35. Um, I'll sure try! I think I hit every red light. Isn't that always the case though??

Poor Abby was so red and super lethargic on the car ride there and at the office. Luckily her fever had come down to 103.9 at the doctor's office, but still, that's pretty darn high! So, a horrific swab test and 10 minutes later, we had our results: The flu. More bad news. She's got Strain A which is completely resistant to all antibiotics. Super. And what really surprised me was that Abby got her flu shot back in November. But that only protected her against Strain B. Boy. I asked the doctor if I could have a refund for her flu shot. He chuckled. :)

So, she's supposed to be sick for the next four days or so, with a high fever. It's been around 102 today, but you know what the weird thing is? Quite a bit of the time, she acts like she's not even sick. The girl was dancing last night after we got home and cracking us up at dinner. Of course, some Motrin and food in the system always helps! But still. I had the flu as a sophomore in high school, and I remember missing four days of school. I was miserable. Fast forward to now. If I had a fever of 104, it would be Pity Party for One, please. I mean, seriously, I don't think I'd be dancing around, all happy. But that's what is great about kids: they are so resilient.

She helped me clean this morning (I got this crazy hankerin' (love that word, by the way) to clean our entire house.) I normally do this on Wednesdays because she's in Mother's Day Out, so I guess today was no exception. But I vacuumed and dusted every room in the house, and scrubbed down all of her toys this morning. Wow! Is that impressive or what? Abby enjoyed helping me vacuum and carry around cleaning supplies. She is the best helper. She also watched an episode of Dora, so she was in hog heaven!

But she's tired. And I'm tired too. Oh well. Life goes on. The worst part about all of this is the isolation and not knowing if Matt and I will get it. I got my flu shot, but I don't think it's going to help me in this case. We'll see. It's SOOOO hard staying inside for days on end. Target is missing me. But my wallet is thanking me. :) That's one aspect of being a parent that I've had a hard time acclimating to: when your child is sick, you are quarantined as well. On the bright side, I am in my pajama pants with no make-up on, so I guess that's a consolation, right?

That's what's going on on our end. Here's hoping Roo is fever free SOON so we can get to playing again!

On a side note--for all of you Idol fans out there--I was disappointed in American Idol last night. Were any of y'all? Every season, the contestant pick songs that "[they] just's one of [their] favorite songs." Blah, blah, blah. Don't they know that picking songs they're in love with is the worst thing they can possibly do? Did you see the girl who sang the song by "The Police"? Dear God. Thank goodness for TiVo! Fast Forward! And is Tatiana on something? Here's my theory: In Hollywood, she played to the cameras. She thought being the drama queen would work for her. But she got flack for it, and now she's trying to act all cool, calm and collected. Bye-bye, Tatiana. Enjoy your plane ride back to Puerto Rico.

Later, folks.


Tim and Steph Lovell said...

I'm so sorry to hear that Abby has got the flu!!I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you that neither of you come down with it! Hope she feels better!

Unknown said...

I hope Abby gets better soon! And, I totally, 100%, agree with you on the American Idol thing! So glad T is GONE!!! And, the police need to arrest that one girl for ruining their song!!