This Blog is brought to you by the number 2...

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Here are a few things Abby does/says that totally crack me up these days:

1. Earlier tonight, she picked up one of Matt's Budweisers from the big recycling bin, handed it to me, and said, "Daddy's Juice." Never heard it put that way... Ha!

2. In typical Abby fashion, she was saying "hi" to people yesterday after we had her picture taken. Well, as we passed the big windows at Victoria's Secret, Abby said "hi" to all of the scantily-clad mannequins. A look of disappointment swept over her face after we passed the twelfth one, sad that none of them had said "hi" back to her.

3. I've been working with Abby on the colors yellow and blue. While I thought she got it there for a while, she seems to have regressed. According to her, all things are yellow. Abby, what color is the school bus? Yellow. Great! Abby, what color is the sun? Yellow. Genius! Abby, what color are your eyes? Yellow. Oh boy. Note to self: Skip one episode of Dora a day to work on colors...

4. She calls Millie "Mil" and Winnie "Dog." If I tell Abby to say hi to Millie, she responds, "Hi Mil." If I tell Abby to say hi to Winnie, she says, "Hi Dog." Poor Winnie. It's no fun being nameless. After all, I think my feelings would get hurt if the person I lived with always called to me, "Hey human, get me something to eat!" See my point?

5. Bob The Cat lives across the street from us, and whenever Abby sees him, she yells, "Hi Meow!" Too funny. And every Wednesday on the way to Mother's Day Out, we pass a black cow (yes, I live in Texas!), and she always says, "Hi Moo!.....Bye-Bye Moo!"

6. Just as she thinks all things are yellow, she also has become obsessed with the number 2. We saw two buses the other day, and I pointed out that there were two of them. "Two bus" she replied. Good! Except she kept saying "Two bus!" over and over and over again. We passed another bus--just one, mind you. "Two bus!" she exclaimed. As hard as I try to reason with her, she swears there are two of everything. How many airplanes? Two! How many cups? Two. Blankets? Two. How many twins? Ha. Just joking. I threw that in there to see if you were really paying attention. :) (Side note: I just realized that in order to impress our friends who come over, I'll have out two yellow blocks and I'll ask her how many there are and what color they are. They'll be floored! Genius! Oh, but that will just be our little secret, ok?) :)

There's more, but I'm tired. Happy Almost Friday, everyone!!


The Johnstons said...

Sweet, sweet picture! We pass cows on the way to MDO too, and anytime we drive down that road Parker is always saying "cows" and looking for them. The joys of living in Texas! ;)