Confessions of a Kroger Shopaholic

Monday, February 2, 2009

Thoughts from my grocery shopping experience this morning:

1. Cute, wrinkled old men in powered shopping carts make my heart melt. I wanted to go home with this man, cook him some soup, and let him talk my ear off for hours.

2. Abby has progressed to the "Car" shopping cart. While she really enjoys riding down front, steering the wheel, I don't like it. I miss her. I like her sitting in the shopping cart, facing me. I enjoy talking to her while we shop. This morning it was like she wasn't there. Hmmm. I will have to remedy this in the near future...

3. Why do I go through the self-checkout line? It never fails, it ALWAYS takes longer in self-checkout than regular checkout.

4. I had another one of those moral conundrums this morning. I accidentally typed on the keypad that I had 1 apple, when, in fact, I had 4 apples. It only charged me 50 cents when it should have charged me $2. What did I do? Cheat Kroger's of $1.50? Of course not. You people know me better than that. I called Jorge over and admitted my error. I felt oh-so-good about myself too. It was an important lesson for Abby. Too bad she was down low driving her "car" and didn't really witness the whole thing. Oh well. I'm sure the customers around me were like, "Gee lady, you're such a moron!" It got to me wondering just how much Kroger is taken advatange of in the self-checkout lines.... Hmmm...

5. I payed $2.99 more than I wanted to. Two boxes of frozen fruit treats stuck together, and alas I was "stuck" with buying two boxes instead of one. I will be glad when Abby is old enough to return items to the shelves for me.

6. I checked out and then forgot the reason I had gone to the grocery store in the first place: spaghetti stuff. So, back to the aisles it was.

7. Strawberries are too darn expensive. Tomatoes are too. I wish money would grow on trees.

8. I debated between Sudafed PE for Nasal Congestion or Kroger Brand PE for Nasal Congestion. The price difference? $2.50. I went for the name brand. I'm kind of a name brand snob when it comes to things like that.

9. I left the store with no chocolate. I think I will come to majorly regret that decision come snack time. (Case in point: I bought a box of Little Debbies Brownies, and they were gone in 3 days.) Willpower. Willpower. Willpower.


Unknown said...

Very cute grocery thoughts :)

Ginger and Seane said...

you are my favorite little blogger! you're so cute! love you

The Johnstons said...

Loved reading your always make me laugh! I, too, always regret when I don't buy chocolate!!