Random Ramblings

Sunday, August 3, 2008

1. We painted our living room and kitchen on Friday. Thank you to the grandparents for coming over and helping! We knocked it all out in no time flat. Isn't it amazing what transformation takes place when there's some color on the walls? My goodness. I am not a fan of white. I will not miss those sad, plain walls! Now it's time to find the perfect curtains!

2. Mom, my mother-in-law Evelyn, my sister-in-law Emily, and her mom Nancy had a girls' day out on Saturday. Lunch and then on to see Jersey Boys at Fair Park. What a phenomenal musical! I highly recommend it. Be warned though: if the "F" word bothers you, then this isn't the play for you! While there are giant signs upon entering, warning audience members about the "authentic, profane Jersey vocabulary," I must admit that I cringed each time the "F" word was said. Not because it bothered me, but because my mom, Mrs.-I-Think-"Butt"-Is-A-Bad-Word sat next to me, and it was like watching a tampon commercial with your dad sitting next to you. A little bit awkward, I must say. But my mom teaches college students, plus she lived through the 70s, and she saw Forrest Gump, so I'm pretty sure she's heard the words before. :) Love you, Mom! Seriously though, Jersey Boys was outstanding!!

3. It's hot outside. You know it's hot when the car AC is on full blast while you're running errands, and it never once gets turned down. Even when you get home, it's still blowing at top speed and you're still sweating!

4. Abby is getting smarter by the day (which is more than I can say for her mother--I swear I think this heat is making me dumber. Seems like I'm averaging two or three 'Jessica Simpson' moments a day.) So I've got these pictures of the grandparents that I've given to Abby. She holds them, points to a grandparent, and says "Who's that?" I answer her. Grammie, Pops, Nana or Papa. She just loves pictures of her grandparents. So, I thought I'd quiz her this weekend when they were in town. So, we're all standing around, and I asked her, "Abby, where's Grammie?" She looks at Grammie. I said, "Abby, where's Nana." She looks at Nana. I said, "Where's Pops?" She looks at Pops. I said. "Where's Papa?" You guessed it, she looked at Papa! I swear I didn't think I could be any prouder! I'm just so amazed at how quickly children pick up on things! Absolutely unbelieveble. And to her credit, to prove it was not just a fluke, she did it correctly every time we asked her! Yea, Roo!

5. I'm reading Janet Evanovich's Stephanie Plum novels. If you're looking for something that's a.) a pretty quick read and b.) rib-hurting hilarious, then try her novels. I'm going to finish the third one soon. I can't read them fast enough it seems!

6. Abby and BFF Ellie are playing so well together now. For a while they've somewhat ignored the other one until they have the toy that the other one wants, and then it's every gal for herself. But last week, they shared and played so well together. Yea for BFFs!

7. College football season is quickly approaching. Thank God!

That's about all I know. I'll finish this post with my new favorite photo of Abby. Stay cool, everyone! :)


Tim and Steph Lovell said...

I love all of the photos!! Abby is such a beautiful girl!!

grammie said...

Dear Daughter,
Love your blog and the new pictures of Sweet Pea! And, yes, you were right about my cringing when the Jersey Boys used such "colorful" language! But other than the language, I truly enjoyed the musical! But the best part was being with you, Evelyn, Emily and Nancy!