Good Ol' Olympics

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

I don't know about you, but I love the Olympics. I mean I love, love, love them. I've been staying up way too late at night just so I can watch what's going on. Gymnastics, swimming, track and field. I eat it up. I would feel un-American if I didn't watch. Isn't that silly? Oh well. It's about time something decent is on the TV during the summer, right? Abby wore red, white, and blue in honor of the Olympics today. Perhaps she'll be a future medalist. Should she take after her mother, she could score a silver or bronze in Baton Twirling. Lung Capacity would definitely earn her a gold medal. As would Chattiness, Page Turning, and Stealing of Remote Controls. Now, if she takes after her father, she could win a gold medal for Texas Tech Trivia, should that become an Olympic Sport. Hmmm. We'll see.

Red, White, and Blue Babe

I was going through old pictures on the computer yesterday and came across a picture taken one year ago this past week. My, what a difference a year makes, doesn't it? OK, I have to go. Swimming's about to start. Thanks goodness for the Pause Button. Later, dudes.