Back in Business

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Abby's had a stomach "bug" the past few days, so we've been a little out of commission. Luckily all is well now! Woo-hoo! Nothing too exciting has been going on. I signed Abby up for Mother's Day Out for next year, and I'm so excited about having 5 hours all to myself! I don't even know what I'll do with myself! Clean? Read? Write? Sleep? Shop? Who knows. If I was really good, I'd actually start writing. I'd love to be able to say that I'm a published author. That has always been my goal. Perhaps with a little time to myself, I can make that happen. We'll see.

Oh, and Matt and I celebrated our 6th wedding anniversary. My, how times flies! Thanks to Jordan and Eric for letting Abby come over and play with BFF Ellie so we could go to dinner!

Here are some more recent pics of, you guessed it, Abby! :)

This was Matt's idea. ha


Anonymous said...

5 whole hours? Gosh, you better start planning!