Not Much

Thursday, August 7, 2008

I realized that this blog's URL address is "The Three Tenners," and the blog is really only about one of us. Oh well. Nothing too exciting is going on with Matt or me at the moment, so that's why everything is focused on Abby! I think some 24-hour stomach bug may have been going around. Abby had it several days ago, and then I got sick yesterday. Plus I've known a handful of people who have been hit with it too. Any of you been struck by this bug too? That's about all I know. Pretty lame, right?

Have I mentioned that each new "phase" of Abby's is my new favorite? I love that I can tell her something, and lots of the time, she actually understands me! Woo-hoo!

I watered the flowers the other afternoon, and Abby decided to pick up the watering jug and do it herself.

Sinks are WAY fun!

My dad's cousin's wife (did you follow that?!) made this Raggedy Ann doll for Abby. She MADE it. With her own two hands. Unbelievable! Thank you, Carol!!
Cutie pie
Abby has learned to dial on my phone. Scary. Let's hope my text messaging bill isn't sky high this month!
Stay cool, everyone!


The Johnstons said...

i was wondering what your text the other day meant! :) YES, i was struck by the no good, awful bug...if you've read my blog recently you already knew that. it was horrible!! little miss abby is too cute! parker loves to "help" me water the plants too.

Unknown said...

She is so photogenic!!! I love all the new pics!