Small Town Christmas

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

My top three annoyances at the moment:

1. Someone broke into Matt's car on Saturday night and stole his garage door opener. We're not certain if he accidentally left the car unlocked or someone broke into it discreetly. Either way, it's pretty darn annoying. I think the people were going down the alley, because they got into a neighbor's car too. So, $67 later, we have two new, re-programmed garage door openers. I told Matt we should post a big sign on our garage door that says, "If you touch any of our property again, we will SHOOT TO KILL. We have a .22 shotgun, and we're not afraid to use it!" What do you think?? :)

2. Traffic. It took Matt 2 (yes, two!) hours to get to work this morning. Heck, that's about how long it takes us to get from Allen to the outskirts of Longview if traffic's moving along nicely. I swear. There's 1/4 inch of ice on the ground and people freak out. Allen schools even closed today! I bet Northerners would laugh their tails off if they knew schools were closed here in parts of Texas!!

3. Stomach bugs. I got this stomach bug that's been going around, and let me tell you, it knocked me on my butt! Most people I know only got the 24-hour one, but I guess I picked up the 72 hour one. Holy cow! I swear when I'm sick like that, I can't comprehend how anyone could be bullemic!___________________________________

OK, enough ranting. Now onto the pics. We traveled to Prosper (which might as well be Oklahoma as far away as our pals live!) to its annual Christmas Festival. Prosper is a town of about 5,000 people, and our old neighbors now live up there, and what a great time we had! It's always great to get together with them. Too bad we're not in the old neighborhood where we were just across the street from one another! Here are some pics from our outing. Thanks Melissa for being the photographer! (By the way, how I managed to surivive this in the middle of my bug is beyond me!)

Here's the fam with Santa. Abby had a Deer-in-the-headlight look on her face the whole time. She was overwhelmed with all of the sights and sounds, I think!

She got to ride a pony!
Abby with her pals Emily and Kendall Abby and Kendall on the "Prosper Express"How cute are they! How is it that all 5 year olds love kids littler than them??

Snowman Abby
Somehow, I got talked into riding the Choo-Choo Train with Abby. I tried to convince Matt to ride, but if I could barely fit in the train car, then I was fairly certain Matt's 6'6" frame wouldn't be possible!
I felt like Buddy The Elf.
Can you spot the one person out of place???? Oh, the things we do for our children!

And because I started with my grievances, I'll end with my joys:
1. When we ask Abby what Santa says, she replies "Ho Ho Ho." It is too cute! So, any time she sees Santa, whether it's on a card, wrapping paper, an ornament, etc., she says, "Ho Ho Ho." Well, the movie Elf was playing at the Prosper Christmas Festival, and the scene came on where Santa was in the department store, and Buddy The Elf realizes it's not the "real" Santa and attacks him in front of all of the kids in line. Remember that part? He pulls on his beard, etc., to prove that he's a "fake"? Well, Abby was watching that scene, and she started to scream bloody murder because Santa was getting beat up!! How adorable is that?! I assured her that Santa was A-OK, and we went by to sit on his lap just so she wouldn't be traumatized for life! :)

2. A HUGE Thank You to my wonderful hubby for taking charge yesterday. I was laid up in bed for the majority of the day, and what a blessing it was that he had already planned to take yesterday off from work! He and Abby got in some great bonding time, and Mommy got some much-needed rest. Luckily today, I am feeling human once again! So, thank you Matt for taking such great care of me and little Roo!! :)


H said...

Glad you are feeling better.
We look forward to seeing everyone next week!


Anonymous said...

Glad you didn't puke on the kid train.