Merry Christmas!

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Happy Holidays! I thought I'd post our Christmas card because I ran out of time and energy (and stamps!) to mail any more out, so if you didn't get one, here is your virtual card! :) By the way, did any of you know that it's DIFFICULT to have a one year old sit and pose for Christmas card pictures?? :) Miraculously, we got one good one of all three of us, and voila!

At my Mom's Group Christmas party yesterday, the kids all made ornaments. How cute and ridiculously EASY is this ornament? Paint the kid's fingers, press on an ornament. Let dry. Then, with Sharpies, decorate. Instant Snowman Ornament! How cute is that?!

This is the ornament Abby painted at Mother's Day Out. It graces the Christmas tree, of course!

Here's the munchkin rockin' on her horse.

And here's just a sweet picture that I took of her.

I hope y'all have a very MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! Enjoy your time with friends and family!


Unknown said...

Great family pic! And, yes, I know how hard it is to get a one-year old still for a picture, but Abby seems to be a pro! Cute ornament ideas, as well! Happy Holidays! P.S. Our Lobos lost...are we on a ten-year curse or something? I just got home from the game :(