18 Months

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Miss Abby Mae is 18 months old today. I can't believe it!

Here she is just a few hours old...
...at six months...

...at one year...
...and now she is 18 months old. My little girl.

Here are 18 reasons why I love my little 18-month-old:

1. You are truly compassionate. If we fake cry, you immediately go over to us and give us a kiss!

2. You have started to say more words. Among your newest are: boo-boo, ball (bah), bus (buh), bow (as of today!), Mommy (although when asked my name directly, you still say “Dada.”), and Pooh (once for the bear, twice for the stinky kind! Impressive!)

3. You love to stack anything on everything!

4. You also love to dip your food—waffles in yogurt, cereal in jelly—it doesn’t matter the combo. You’re dippin’!

5. You are obsessed with shoes and love to put them on and run around the house. You have been known to wear only a diaper and shoes. Classy.

6. You no longer want to be rocked before bed. You are a Big Girl now and much prefer Mom and Dad to leave you be in your crib to fall asleep on your own, thank-you-very-much! It makes me sad to know my baby is a baby no longer.

7. You love to play Peek-A-Boo. Whether it’s your hand over your eye, blanket over your face, or you hiding behind the clothes in the closet, one uttering of “Where’s Abby?” is all it takes to get you excited!

8. You love baths and get mad when we pull the plug.

9. You love the park. When we turn the corner past the bridge and you see the swings, you stretch out your arms and grunt!

10. You are a girl who loves to snack! I have found you at the pantry door many times, banging on it, in need of a cracker…or eight!

11. When music comes on TV, you stop what you’re doing and you start to dance. You have some awesome moves, Roo!

12. You love The Wonder Pets, and most nights we gather and watch it right before your bathtime.

13. You can’t stand to have anything on your hands. A dog hair, a crumb, if it’s on there, you run to us, hand outstretched for us to wipe it clean.

14. You freak out when you see an airplane, a big truck, or a bus. At Hobby Lobby yesterday, a school bus pulled up right in front of us, and I thought you were going to explode from excitement!

15. You love going through our bathroom drawers and “re-arranging” them.

16. You make the absolute best lion roar!

17. You detest long car rides and would much rather be “out and about.” Thank goodness for Baby Einstein DVDs! (Thanks, Cappettas!)

18. You absolutely are head over heels in love with your family. You see pictures of your grandparents, aunt, uncles, parents, and you get so excited. You point to them, kiss their pictures, you just love them to death. And when you see them in person? Well, you love giving out hugs and kisses.

Obviously, that list could go on and on, but I think you get the idea! Matt and I feel so blessed to have had this little girl a part of our lives for the past 18 months, and we can’t wait to see what the future holds. Happy 18 months, Roo! We love you!!


Unknown said...

Absolutely precious...what a great list, too!

H said...

I can't believe she is already 18 months! Seems like just yesterday...

Holly McClaren

The Johnstons said...

happy 18 month birthday, miss abby! loved reading all about her!!