A Message

Thursday, November 20, 2008

It seems like we get so caught up in the mundane, day-to-day business that sometimes we forget about what's truly important in life: Faith, family, friends. Frustration about bills, lack of decent winter clothes, annoyances at rude drivers, red lights that last too long. It can all start to really get me worked up. And then something snaps me out of it, and I come back to the basics of what I really should focus on in my life.

This week, I have shared in the news of a high school friend's recent pregnancy, and one day later, been saddened to hear of a friend's sister-in-law give birth to a stillborn baby. I have rejoiced in Abby's good doctor's report this morning, and later felt the sadness of hearing about a girl who graduated a year behind me pass away from leukemia. And then tonight, I, along with all other members of our church, receive the devestating news that our pastor's cancer has spread to parts of her brain, and she has decided not to prolong her suffering any longer, and go home to be with the Lord. This was enough to knock the wind out of me. Rude drivers? Long red lights? Clothes? Money? Is that what's really important in life?

Overwhelmed with emotion, I hugged Abby hard tonight, a true reflection of what really matters in my life. I kissed Matt and told him I loved him. Why does it always seem to take a roller coaster of emotion, good and bad news, to make us stop in our tracks and remind us of what we should be focusing on in our lives?

So, this Thanksgiving, I urge you to join me in really looking at your life and give Thanks and Praise to God for the things that bring you joy in your life. As we know all too well, what we value most can be taken away at any moment, and we should be thankful for the blessings that we have.

Call your parents just to say hi. Take a deep breath when your child does something that frustrates you. Write your grandparent a note and mail it to her--it will absolutely make her day. Let go of the grudge you've been holding against your friend. Put a note in your spouse's lunch reminding him how much you love him. Kiss your child.

I have to live my life knowing that God has a plan. If I didn't believe that, I honestly couldn't get through life. Tonight, say a prayer for those in your life who need it most, those who are hurting. And yet don't forget to thank God for all of the wonderful blessings He has bestowed upon you.


The Johnstons said...

thank you for those words and the reminder of what really is important.

Jeremy and Lisa Roberts said...

For obvious reasons, I agree wholeheartedly. You've summed up perfectly how I've felt this past week. Hope you and yours have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Ginger and Seane said...

your words are so true. thank you for making me humble. hope you and yours have a great holiday.

Unknown said...

I couldn't of said it better myself...thank you for that sweet reminder, Cathy! Happy Thanksgiving!