Oh NO-ah

Thursday, January 8, 2009

After Matt and I discovered we were having a girl, and we were sitting outside of the sonographer's office, waiting to talk to the doctor, we realized that when it came to having a daughter, we have VERY DIFFERENT views of the future.

I started reeling off how excited I was to have a little girl to play dress up with, to have tea parties with, to go shopping with, to paint my toenails with...etc...

And then Matt started reeling off a different sort of list: a wedding, low-cut jeans, psychotic mood swings during menstrual cycles (while he didn't ever say this, I would bet money that he was thinking it), and then his number one worry of them all: BOYS.

Well, Matt, I hate to break it to you, but I think you're worries are already beginning, about 15 years too soon:

And to think, babe, it's only going to get worse from here on out!


Anonymous said...

UH-HO! She'll be having those boys in fits!