Just An Update

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

I am back in the land of the living! Woo-hoo! If you read my previous post, you know that Abby got hit with the dreaded stomach virus on Thursday night. Silly me thought it was just something she ate, at least that's what my "Mom-instinct" told me. Boy, was I wrong. I picked it up Saturday. (Always fun to get sick at your sister-in-law's baby shower, right??) And then Matt got it on Sunday night. Boy, it is awful, and I PRAY you don't get it! We are FINALLY back to feeling better. Abby has been pretty lethargic and sleeping extra long hours (We ALL slept until 10:45 Monday morning. I haven't done that since college!) and her appetite is slowly coming back.

Anyhoo, that's my update. I don't really have any pics to post because I haven't taken any in the past week! But here's one from several days ago:

Little Ballerina

And here's Roo one year ago today. One of my favorite pics. Stay warm, people. Hopefully you survived Arctic Blast Round I (the TV people around here LIVE for days like today, putting fear in the hearts of the Metroplex citizens!)


H said...

Glad to hear you are all better!
Stay warm up there and watch out for that weird white stuff on the ground. We don't get that stuff down here often enough to recognize it and yes, the news people have been going nuts anticipating problems.


This Oklahoma Life said...

Glad to hear the Tenner house is all rested and well. Please don't send it up here. Been there. Done that.

Unknown said...

So glad you all are feeling better...Stomach bugs are NO fun!!

The Johnstons said...

I am so gald y'all are all better! Isn't it amazing how much they change in a year...and it happens so fast!!

Tim and Steph Lovell said...

I am so glad to hear that everyone is feeling better!! I am not looking foward to nights like those!!