20 Reasons I Love my 20-month-old

Sunday, January 18, 2009

1. You have started to "pee-pee" in your little potty. While potty training won't officially happen for a bit, you are off to a good start!
2. You love to color; sometimes you prefer to color on the table instead of the book!
3. You LOVE your Magna-Doodle from Uncle Chris. If our house were on fire, and you could only save one thing, I'm pretty sure that's what you'd save.
4. Your vocabulary is expanding every day. For the past few weeks, I've been talking to you about how Tee-Tee (Aunt Emily) is having a baby named Clarky. Well, Friday, you looked at me and said, "Tee-Tee....baby...Clarky." I was floored! You are my little sponge.
5. You have an unhealthy obsession with Dora and Boots!
6. You love Chapstick and lotion. You are always "putting on" my lipsticks and lotions. What a girly girl you are!
7. You also have an unhealthy obsession with crackers and Ranch. You and your daddy LOVE to eat Club crackers dipped in Ranch. Yuck.
8. You LOVE brushing your teeth. Thank you, inventor of the vibrating Dora The Explorer toothbrush!
9. You REALLY like the word "no," and you're not afraid to use it!
10. You LOVE to listen to music and dance. In the car, you'd much prefer a loud rock/hip-hop song. You shake your head and kick your feet.
11. You still ask me where Santa Claus went. You say, "Ho-Ho-Ho...where'd he go?" And you throw up your hands, palms up, in complete perplexity.
12. You love to have Mommy chase you up the stairs of your "fort" and down the slide. You could do this for hours. Mommy couldn't. :)
13. You LOVE playing in the box your kitchen came in. And you especially love for your Daddy to play hide-and-seek with you.
14. You "moo" everytime we pass the black cow on our way to Mother's Day Out.
15. You talk about your grandparents all the time. All day I hear, "Nana, Papa, BeBe, and Pops".
16. At the end of each meal, you just HAVE to feed "Mil" (Millie and Winnie). Your concern for your doggies is honestly one of the cutest things I've ever seen. You love them to pieces.
17. You are extremely observant. Either that, or completely OCD! If a door is not completely closed, a dog hair is on your clothes, a leaf has been tracked in...whatever the case, you call immediate attention to it so it's either closed, brushed off, or thrown away. You may also be the only 1-year-old I know who likes to clean up her messes while she eats. :)
18. You have learned (just this week) to open up all of our doors. Doorknob locks, here we come!
19. You love running around at the park.
20. You are a sweet, good-natured, loving little girl. I know this for numerous reasons, but I have two examples: When we walk past somebody, you always say, "HI!" And you say it really big with a huge smile on your face. It's infectious. Also, if your daddy or I act sad (we put that bottom lip WAY out there), you run up to us and give us a BIG hug and a kiss. You are just the sweetest thing, Roo.

We love you, our 20-month-old! Gosh, that sounds so old!


The Johnstons said...

Can you belive they're amost 2?!? I loved reading about everything Abby is doing these days!

H said...

It probably won't take her long to figure out the door knob locks. They work pretty well to keep adults out though.
That does remind me that I need to get an extra key for the bathroom door (just in case it gets locked with someone inside).

I can't believe Abby is 20 months already!

Cousin Holly