Oh what two years olds will say!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Conversations with Abby from the past couple of days:

As I'm changing her diaper this morning:
Abby: God held me.
Me: (thinking that this is coming out of left field) God held you? Like a baby?
Abby: Yes.
Me: (confused) Where did he hold you?
Abby: Right there (points up toward the ceiling)
Me: Um, OK. What did God say to you?
Abby: (says something indecipherable)
Me: What? What did God tell you? (I am anxiously awaiting what her imagination can come up with!)
Abby: (smiles mischievously) Pop!
Me: (grinning): Popsicle? He said the word Popsicle to you?!
Abby: YES!
Me: (doubting) God told you that you could have a popsicle?!
Me: Wow, Roo. You will do anything to get a popsicle, huh?

Kudos to her for name dropping God though. I'm just hoping when she turns 16 that she doesn't say that God told her she needs a new car and that she can start sleeping over at her boyfriends. Sigh.

Abby's little friend Ava started school Tuesday and so on our way to school, I thought it would nice if we said a little prayer for Ava on her first day of school:
Me: Abby, let's say a prayer that Ava has a good day. So, repeat after me. Dear God..
Abby: Dear God...
Me: Please..
Abby: Please...
Me: Watch... (preparing to say "watch over Ava")
Abby: (eyes light up): Watch DORA!!!!
Me (chuckling): No, no Dora! Okay, now repeat after me: Please watch...
Abby: Watch Elmo!
Oy. So much for our prayer. Sorry Ava! :) And not to worry Ellie, we said a prayer for you too yesterday! :)

We've been talking a lot about eye color lately, and Abby knows that she has blue eyes like her daddy, and that Mommy doesn't have blue eyes like them, but brown eyes.
So, last night while Matt and I were bathing her, I noticed that her left eye was a little pink.
Me (to Matt): Hey, do you see that? Her eye is pink.
Abby (stops what she's doing and looks at me like I've angered her): No, Mommy! It's BLUE!!

Speaking of Abby telling me like it is, this morning she was looking at her Cinderella book. She is very much into "pretty" things, princesses, etc. The other day she insisted on playing "dress up." What a hoot! Anyhoo, as she was looking at her Cinderella book, we were talking about the pictures. She became VERY concerned that Cinderella had lost her shoe. Abby LOVES shoes, and she always seems to notice when something is out of place, so the loss of Cinderella's glass slipper was disconcerting to her. Well, we began to talk about that and other aspects of the book, when she looked up at me, put her finger to her mouth and said, "Shhhhhh! No, Mommy. Be quiet. I read the book." Oh. Okay. Being put in your place by a 2-year-old is a very humbling feeling. :)

After I picked up Abby from school Thursday, I asked about her day. I also asked if she pooped while at school. Now, you moms out there understand this question. We are always on "poop patrol", right? Plus, the teachers had forgotten to put her sheet in her folder about what all she did that say, so I was clueless as to her bodily functions. :) Anyway, I asked her,
Me: Abby, did you poo-poo at school today?
Abby: No.
Me: You didn't poop? That's OK.
Abby: No poo-poo. I toot.
Me (laughing): You tooted at school today?!
Abby (now grinning too): YES!
Me: Oh Abby. That doesn't count.

Gotta love two year olds, right?

Abby also informed me that a crocodile was on her bookshelf this morning. Not to worry, though. According to her, it was a "little-bitty crocodile."

Ah, the imaginations. Gotta love them! :)


The Johnstons said...

Love these stories! So good that you're writing them down so you won't forget...I need to do that! Glad you are feeling better.