Today was Abby's first day of school at our church, and I am very happy to report that she did Awesome!! She walked in the room without even a thought about her mama! No goodbye hug. No kisses. Such a Big Girl. But, I'll be honest: a little "I'll miss you, Mommy" would have been nice! Oh well. I'll take what I can get, right?
When I went to pick up Abby from school, I was one of the last ones in line to pick up our little tykes. Of course I brought my camera, so I stayed until everyone left to snap some pics and chat with Abby's teachers about how she did. I am also very proud to say that the teachers said she was Fantastic! They also called her Caring, Helpful, and they expect her to be A Friend To All The Kids In The Class. That made my heart smile. They also reported that she was concerned about the four or five kids who cried during the day (I think those teachers should be given a medal--and perhaps some Advil--for taking care of crying two year olds for five hours!!). Abby does tend to get upset when other kids are upset, but luckily she didn't cry; they said she just seemed concerned--at a distance.
On the way home from the church, I called Matt, and as I was telling him about what all her teachers said, I started to cry thinking about how much those compliments meant to me. What they said made me feel proud to be Abby's parent, and I am so blessed to have such a sweet, sensitive, and social little girl. Roo, I wouldn't trade you for the world!
After we got home, I told Abby how proud I was of her for being such a Big Girl today, and as I was talking to her, Emotional Me started to tear up again. Abby looked up at me, saw me tearing up, put her hand on my knee and gently patted it, and said very softly and sweetly, "There, there. No cry, Mommy." How sweet is that?!
OK, before I begin crying again, here are some pics!!
Our big girl...
...who, if she had her way, would have worn this to school. (This was her outfit she had on at breakfast this morning!)This puts things into perspective:
First day of school this year... and the first day of school last year. Wow!
Here are some pictures from Abby's room after I picked her up:
Her assigned seatAbby walked over to this "Feelings" poster, saw the Sad Face, pointed to it and said, "Oh no." So, Mrs. Cinda asked Abby to point to the face that showed how Abby felt today. Abby then pointed to the Silly Face, as you can see here! Ha.
Pointing to a book
Now, while most kids would rather run home immediately after school, Abby wanted to run through the halls of the church instead!
Her first artwork of the year.
Overall, a very successful day! I got some of the house cleaned, enjoyed a lunch with other childless moms (which meant I had "real" conversations and didn't have to deal with cutting up food), and got a big hug from my little girl after a few hours apart. I would call that a good day. Now, if we could only work on getting her to nap at school. These "no-nap" evenings are not the easiest in the world!!!
I hope y'all had a great Tuesday as well! :)
What a sweet girl!! So glad Abby had a good first day at school. Parker did well his first day back with a new room and new teachers, but no nap for him either! I just put him to bed really early tonight! :)
Paula started back three weeks ago and she is the ONLY nearly 2 year old in her class that won't nap at school. We talk about it at home ("ni ni at sool" are her words) but it just doesn't happen. And today there was no nap when we got home! Hope Abby does better than Paula in the nap department! Glad Abby is a little social bee...we are too and it makes for a content mommy that I know she is fine when I leave her.
absolutely too cute! too bad she isn't in Owen's room so she can make him feel better when he cries!!
Such a big girl!! So proud of Abby (and her parents) for making it through the first day of school :)
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