The Many Faces Of Abbster

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Abby is quite our little entertainer, as you know. So, last week at dinner and then at breakfast the next morning, I snapped away. Enjoy!

Here she is doing The Pouty Face.

...and here she is doing The Even Poutier Face. Gosh, she takes after her father! ha. :)

Ah, one of her favorites: The Scared Face. Classic Abby. She even shakes when she does it. Girl gets an "A" for Effort and Believability.

Well, soon after that, her daddy scared her. And then the bottom lip came out. She was not a happy camper.

....but as is the case with most kids, all was forgiven within a minute or two, and Abby then decided it was time to mimic her Papa. We taught her to shake her arm out in front of her and then...

...cup her hand to her ear. Just like her Papa. Rick, whadda ya think?! Impressive, huh??
Well, while she was hearing something, she apparently chose not to hear me say not to dip her hands in Ranch dressing and lick it off. Yuck.

This is the face of Pure Defiance. And with such Satisfaction on her face. Grrr.

Matt and I have concluded that Abby is probably going to be an actress when she grows up. Not to say she can't be a doctor or a lawyer, but girlfriend is quite the ham and full of expression. Maybe her soap opera paychecks can buy Matt and me a home in Malibu someday. Fingers crossed. Fingers crossed. :)

OK, it's now time for some sweet ones...

I love this new one. It's like the caption could read, "Dear God, are you listening? Because if I have to listen to Mommy and Daddy ask me one more time what sound a horse makes, I think I'm going to have to hurt someone. Amen."

Just another sweet one.

Possibly a new fav.
And that, my friends is what chow time is like with Abbster!
Coming very soon: Fourth of July pics. Happy Evening, everyone!


The Johnstons said...

I can definitely see Hollywood in Abby's future...she's a cutie!