
Thursday, July 23, 2009

I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while, but I find myself very busy these days! Abby is QUITE the chatterbug. I know all you parents out there know what I mean when I say I have no idea where her vocbulary comes from. Each day she says two or three new words and phrases that she's never said before, and I'm always blown away. In fact, the other day I heard her counting something, and then I heard her say, "Cinco." Gracias, Dora! Hopefully Abby will be fluent in Spanish, which will come in quite handy! :)

Oh, and here's a funny story: Abby didn't get her way the other day, and she said, "No Mommy! Time Out!" And I replied, "Who's in Time Out? Me, Mommy?" To which she responded sternly and quite seriously, "Yes. Time Out, Mommy!" Geez. A teacher in training already! :)

There's so much more I can write about, but I'll just leave you with some pictures. Enjoy!

Matt and Jason's longtime friend Ben O. got married this past weekend, and we had a wonderful time! It was a beautiful ceremony and tons of fun to catch up with old friends!

Here's the Tenner Clan sans kids.
Emily and me with our favorite (and best ever!) mother-in-law. Honestly people, she is the best MIL anyone could ask for! (And no, she didn't pay me to say that. Honest!)

Emily and me with the BEST Father-in-Law ever!! (Rick DID pay me to say that.) OK, just joking. He really didn't! :) But he is absolutely great at three things: keeping our bellies full, keeping us laughing, and keeping Abby and Clark clothed. He is notorious for sporadically taking a trip to "Abbyland" and "Clarkland" and buying his two grandchildren amazing gifts!
Rick and Evelyn.

One of the best things about this summer is that BFF Ellie's parents moved to a new house. While they now live a little father away, it's worth it because they have a POOL! Woo-hoo! So, we've enjoyed hanging out over there a few times! And you know what? We're not even using them for their pool. We actually like Jordan and Eric! Another plus! ;) Well, we like one of them better than the other, but I'll leave you guessing. HA! Just joking.
The girls laughing at Matt
It must've been really funny.
Daddy/Daughter swimming time
Too high!
Miss Hollywood.
After dinner, it was time for the girls to watch a little Dora. Can you tell they weren't enthused about having their Dora time interrupted for a picture?! :)

And here are just some shots of Abby from our yard:
I swear she could do this all day long.
Searching for planes.
Happy girl
Gotta love ponytails!
Just another sweet one


The Johnstons said...

Love the stories about Abby. Doesn't she just say or do something every day that cracks you up?!? The way the grow and change on a daily basis is absolutely baffling!