We Heart Snow!

Friday, February 12, 2010

What a wonderful day yesterday was. Snow had been in the forecast, but no one, not even the meteorologists, could have predicted record snowfall like we had. How absolutely gorgeous it was! But first, Abby had her Valentine's party at school, and oh, how much fun it was! Here is me with my Little Valentine Roo.
Pretty in Pink

Here's our house yesterday morning when it had been snowing for a few hours. It snowed for the rest of the day and through last night too. Unbelievable!
After the fun Valentine's party, we ventured down the street so Abby could play with her good pal Ava. Abby loved stomping around the snow, throwing snowballs at Ava. Ava, not so much! I don't blame her. I'm not a fan of getting too wet myself! :) Here are the happy girls.
Roo looking like she's up to no good!
Getting her aim ready to hit Miss Mica.
A fun time was had by all yesterday! With no nap and a super busy day, we were all exhausted last night! But first, after Matt got home, he and Abbster went for a trek around the neighborhood. She had a blast...well, until she fell down in the snow!
We were back up and at 'em this morning because I told Abby we could build a big snowman. Here's the little Snow Bunny.
Diggin' the snow
And here is the saddest, most pathetic snowman that ever was built. Oh well. Had Matt not had to go to work, I'm sure it would have been much more fantastic. Maybe next year! Ha! :) I really wanted to take a picture of Abby with this pathetic snowman, but she refused to do so. Can't say I blame her really!! It is a little scary looking, I must admit.

I hope you all have enjoyed the snow as much as we have! Happy Friday everyone! :)