Clark and a Mermaid

Friday, August 7, 2009

Abby got to play with her cousin Clark the other night, and boy does she love that little guy!! How could she not? He is the cutest little thing, so well-mannered, and has eyelashes any woman would pay good money for.
After a few minutes, Abby grew tired of having her picture taken. Can you tell?! But Clark was still smiling up a storm!

Some of you may have heard that Abby has a new pal: The Little Mermaid. She loves that movie, and at Target the other day, I spotted an Ariel Barbie, and now Abby is in heaven.

Here's the new object of her affection. Please excuse poor Ariel's head position. Abby had just been playing with her. :)
Abby LOVES to sing "Ariel's song," you know the tune she sings as the "mean witch" is taking her voice. Anyway, Abby trots around the house singing it. A lot. Here she is belting it out.

Side note: Please excuse Abby's Dora PJs. She outgrew them a few months ago, and she refuses to let them go! She made it perfectly clear to me that she did NOT want to wear her Turtle PJs, thank-you-very-much, but would rather wear her too-small-for-me Dora PJs. Hey, I pick my battles. Hence, the teeny-tiny PJs. She reminds me of a college football player back in the early 90s! Kind of cute though when you're two. Twenty-two, not so much. :)

Pure joy.
Look, Mom, she does tricks!
Ariel ate lunch with us yesterday, and, due to my lacking common sense, we ate fishsticks. Oops. Luckily Abby didn't put two and two together. Here she is feeding fishsticks to Ariel and Flounder. I was cracking up!
Mom, stop taking pictures already!
Too much fun! :)