Some Big News To Share

Monday, December 14, 2009

In case you haven't heard...
Yes, that's right. We're expecting Baby Tenner Number two in July! We apparently like to make things as busy as possible as both Matt's and my birthdays are in July, my dad's birthday, as well as our anniversary. Perhaps we should start stockpiling money now. :)

While Matt and I were both shocked and excited about our discovery, Abby had a bit of a different reaction. It looked a little something like this...
Oops! I never mentioned the pregnancy to her again until just recently, and she has--luckily--warmed up to the idea. Thank goodness!

We had our first sonogram last week, and Little Peanut looks great. I did ask the sonographer if she could see a penis, but sadly, it was too early to tell. Ha! :) The other good news is that there is just one baby. Whew! (Don't get me wrong, I'm sure twins are fabulous, but I don't think I have the temperment to handle two children of the same age at the same time. Just thinking about that makes me hyperventilate. And just mention of the word OctoMom makes me go into fits.) Unfortunately, I have been super sick. The nausea and vomiting hit me right at week six, but thanks to my two new friends Zofran and Phenargen, I am feeling somewhat human again. Woo-hoo!

So, that's our news. The past month has been one big ball of excitement and nervousness as we venture into "Family-of-Fourdom".

Here is how life has changed since becoming pregnant:

1. Due to my being sick all day long, Abby has never watched more television than she did for about 10 days. I felt horribly guilty about it, but I don't think she seemed to mind one bit! :)

2. I have saved money on make-up. I have had a "I could care less how I look" attitude lately, which might be a bad thing. Everyone in Allen has seen me sans makeup. Hopefully I didn't scare you too much!

3. Dr Pepper is my saving grace. And for some strange reason, I have to drink it in a glass with ice and not from a can. Crazy pregnant lady syndrome, apparently.

4. My baby is probably already addicted to chocolate donuts, pepperoni pizza and chocolate milkshakes from McDonald's. Don't worry, people: I take my vitamins daily! :)

5. I have been behind on blogging and emails. But my excuse is this: I nap when Abby naps. No exceptions!

6. My husband is a ROCK STAR! He has been on Double Parent Duty lately, and for that, I am forever grateful. By 6:30, I am getting nauseous again, ready to take medicine, and am pretty much out for the count. Thank you Matt for picking up my slack!! 7. I have stopped biting my nails. Woo-hoo!

8. My bathroom is dirty. I guess I keep thinking that it will magically get done, but I have NO energy to do it anytime soon. Have you heard that pregnancy zaps you?!

9. I cry for absolutely no reason at all: I was watching a story on the news about a single mom whose house was broken into, and her Christmas tree and all the presents under it were stolen. I started crying uncontrollably. Oy.

10. I have learned to appreciate Abby more and more as the time we have with just us is limited. I must brag on her though: she has been sooooooo wonderful lately. I hope her brother or sister is just as sweet, fun-loving, and personable as she is!

OK, that's it. Now I'm tired. I think I'll go lie down. I promise to keep y'all updated. Maybe once the first trimester is over, I'll have a sudden surge of energy! Let's all keep our fingers crossed! :)


The Bobo Buzz said...

WOO-HOO!!! Congrat's so excited for the three {almost four} of yall!! Here's to many good days ahead!! :)

Unknown said...

Congrats! How exciting...I knew I would be hearing this news sometime soon :) And, don't feel guilty about Abby watching so much TV, she'll turn out just fine. Let me know if you ever need anything, I'm just a town away. Praying for a great and healthy pregnancy!

Julie said...

Just reading this! Congrats! Awesome news. Hope you feel better soon. Enjoy time with just Abby while you can! And don't feel guilty about the TV part! I think all our kids will turn out ok. Whoops, just read Lisa's comment, so ditto!